The term burning question is emotive, and rightly so. Emotions are our power. In the metaphor of the three centres, the horse and carriage, the horse is the emotions, while the driver is the mind. We can have all kinds of ideas but if we don't care they 'don’t matter'. It's like the governments passing high sounding declarations but committing to and doing nothing. 

 There was a marvelous book by scientist Michael Polanyi called Personal Knowledge'. Such knowledge makes us able to undergo privation and suffering for the sake of the Good. 

Gurdjieff's higher emotional centre sums it up. It concentrates the whole of us. 

Mr. Bennett explained the phrase in the Gospels 'go up into the mountain' as depicting entering the higher emotional centre. It is impossible to understand significant realities without this. 

I think the adjective 'burning' to be literal. It is a sign that we are waking up. Creative people have this. It does not let them rest. They might hate it or love it. It might be an engine of joy. Maybe, it is like being in love.