At the beginning of Volume Two of the Dramatic Universe, John Bennett makes an abstract distinction:  

“Our experience contains two elements that seem to be irreconcilable – Fact and Value – and, indeed, their incompatibility is the hall-mark of their reality.  All causes lie in the Domain of Fact and all purposes in that of Value.  Between cause and purpose, there is a gap which cannot be bridged from either side… Those who aspire to fulfil the purposes of existence must seek for a deeper understanding in which Fact and Value are harmonized, and through which their own activity can be directed.”  DU Vol. II, pg. 15

What does this distinction look like in our ordinary, concrete lives?  Why – from experience - is it significant? How does it reveal itself?  

In this last DuVersity Online session for 2021 we seek neither to prove or disprove Bennett's propositions but to find ways to use them in service of our own unfolding understanding. Anthony Blake, Jason Joslyn and Steven Rhodes will lead us in experimentation and conversation continuing the tradition of utilizing our ordinary powers listening, questioning, noticing, sensing, etc. - in unordinary ways. Who knows what we will find.

To prepare, we invite you to read Chapter Twenty-five in the second volume of the Dramatic Universe entitled, "The Two Domains".